HDP Women's Council takes to the streets for Mahsa Amini 2022-09-22 10:25:37   ANKARA - HDP Women's Assembly announced that it will take to the streets in many cities today in solidarity with the actions that started after the murder of Mahsa Amini.   The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) will hold a protest against Mahsa, who was tortured and murdered by the morality police of the Iranian regime and will make statements in support of the rising objections in Iran. The statement will be made at the provincial organizations of HDP at 13.00 today.   In the action program carried out by the HDP Women's Assembly and Organizing Commission, a message of solidarity with the peoples who oppose the impositions of the Iranian regime will be given. HDP, together with 51 cities and more than 400 provincial and district organizations, will protest the murder of Mahsa Amini and emphasize the struggle against imposing governments. HDP Women's Assembly Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran made an assessment to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about the actions they will take and said that the picture emerging in Iran reflects the impositions of male-dominated systems.   'The oppression devices of the powers'    Ayşe stated that male-dominated governments all over the world use pressure and force against women's lifestyles, clothing, and outfits. Ayşe said, "In Iran, Mahsa was beaten and murdered by morality police by saying 'his hair is visible' on her headscarf. In the reports of her murder, it was revealed that she lost her life due to the trauma that occurred in her head after the beating. It draws attention.”   'Emancipation of society'   Reminding that the AKP-MHP government also uses pressure and force against women and societies in Turkey, Ayşe said, “When we look at the attacks against our party, the attacks on the co-chairmanship, the annulment of the Istanbul Convention, the atmosphere created by the government and the murder of women every day, there are governments that feed on the same understanding. We will raise our voices from here and shout together that we are in solidarity, that if we object to these understandings together, we can bring the new together with the women's libertarian line and that women's freedom will bring the freedom of the society."