Tens of thousands gather at Amed Newroz 2023-03-21 13:44:04     AMED - As tens of thousands continued to flock to Amed Newroz, the slogans “Biji Serok Apo” and Jin, jiyan, azadi” became the most resounding slogans in the field.    The finale of the Newroz celebrations, which was held in 42 centers this year with the motto "Every time Newroz, every der azadi", is taking place in Amed today. The crowd, who started to come to the area as of 07:00 in the morning, started to enter the area with the slogans of "Biji Serok Apo" from the search points, hours before the celebrations that would start at 10:00, the crowd filled the area.    HDP and Green and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) banners and flags with the inscription "Newroz" are flying in the area, where the slogans of "Bijî Serok Apo", "Bê Serok jiyan nabe", "We will win by resisting.”   'Our Newroz'   They enter the area by saying "This is our Newroz, we will pass" against the police, who try to prevent women and young people from entering the area by using national clothes and green, yellow and red shawls as an excuse.   A walk by young people from Semsur   Young Semsûr volunteers took a short walk in the area with slogans and “Li Newrozê agir, li Semsûr ê pistgiriyê geş bikin”. Young people shouting the slogan "Biji Serok Apo" draw attention to the isolation with slogans demanding the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.     The Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP) entered the area with a march with banners and slogans "We are stubborn in peace, freedom and resistance.”   Demand for peace   The mass coming from Yenihal direction formed queues at search points in the early hours of the morning. The celebration was attended by women and young people, and the young people began to sing songs with the erbanes they took with them. Many women with henna on their hands demanded that this year's Newroz bring peace.    Jîna Emini poster in the field    A poster of Jina Emînî, with the inscription "Bi tayê porê Jîna Amînî em ê têkoşîna jinê known, bikin" was hung in the Newroz area.    Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) and Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) marched towards the area in the form of a cortege, chanting slogans such as "Biji Newroz" and "Biji Socialism.”   Police intolerance of banners   The banner "Youth walks to freedom in the spirit of Kawa and Kemal Korkut" on the HDP Youth Assembly was seized by the police and it was not allowed to be brought to the area. The Youth Assembly reacted by saying, “Your pressure cannot intimidate us.”   Newroz program   The Organizing Committee will take the floor in the Newroz program, which will start with the opening speech and a moment of silence. Then, Kurdish politician Ahmet Türk will make a speech. Afterwards, the Newroz fire will be lit. The celebration will continue with the speech of Green Left Party representatives. Par Music group, Music Rap Group will take part in the celebration. After the parties in the Kurdistani Alliance greet the people, a speech will be taken on behalf of TJA. Afterwards, there will be speeches on behalf of TUHAD FED, Thousand Sick Captive Women.   The celebration will continue with Koma Aryen performing. The celebration, in which the messages of the Kurdistan Labor Party, Kurdistan Democratic Society Movement and Kurdistan Democratic National Unity Party from Southern Kurdistan will be read, will continue with the speech of DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk.   HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar will take the floor at the celebration, which will continue with Grup İsyan taking the stage.    The celebration will end with Şerzad show.