Feleknas Uca: Let’s extend struggle for Kurdish

  • 17:01 3 July 2021
  • News
BATMAN - Mereto Language Studies and Culture Association held its 2nd Ordinary Congress. HDP MP Feleknas Uca, speaking at the congress, called for increasing the struggle for Kurdish.
The 2nd Ordinary Congress of Mereto Language Studies and Culture Association was held at Petrol-İş Union. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Batman MPs Feleknas Uca and Necdet İpekyüz, Batman Municipality Co-Mayors Songül Korkmaz and Mehmet Demir who were replaced by trustee, Free Women’s Movement (TJA), Peace Mothers Council, HDP provincial organization and representatives of non-governmental organizations attended the congress. A banner written on "Ziman ji bo yekitiya netew hebûna herî bi hêze (Language is the greatest power in national unity)" was hung in the hall.
‘Let’s extend the struggle for Kurdish’
HDP Batman MP Feleknas Uca said that the government, which attacked the Kurdish people with massacre, arrest, immigration, and assimilation policies, also heavily attacked the Kurdish language, and noted that there was a historical attack on the Kurdish language. Feleknas stated that there was a struggle that repulsed these attacks and brought the Kurdish language to millions and called for the Kurdish language to be spoken in all areas of life. Feleknas said that the biggest answer to assimilation is to translate life into Kurdish and emphasized that Kurdish has an important place in terms of the unity of the Kurds. Feleknas stated: ‘’If we protect our language, we protect our land, our existence, our unity and our culture. For this reason, let's increase the struggle for the Kurdish language in every area where Kurds are present.’’
‘Let’s translate life into Kurdish’
Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER) Co-chair Rıfat Roni reminded that the institutions established for the development of the Kurdish language were closed due to the intolerance of the government, and said: ‘’The sovereigns, who know that the Kurdish language was imposed at a young age, impose assimilation on the young people because of this. We must act with this awareness.’’
HDP Provincial Co-chair Ömer Kulpu also stated that the imperialists are in a constant attack to assimilate the Kurds and called for the translation of every aspect of life into Kurdish.
Elif Kıvırcık and Mazlum Büksel were elected as co-chairs of the association in the election held with a single list in the congress.