Serpil Kemalbay: ‘Reason for racist attacks is monist, militarist structure of state’

  • 12:14 26 July 2021
  • Politics
Melike Aydın 
İZMİR - Evaluating the increase in racist attacks as a result of the continuation of the monist and militarist structure of the state by the governments, HDP MP Serpil Kemalbay stated that the main opposition parties are insufficient in doing their part and providing solidarity.
Seasonal agricultural worker Hakim Dal was murdered as a result of a racist attack by a group of 60 people on July 21 in Konya. Making a statement right after the incident, the Konya Governorship claimed that the attack was a judicial case, not "ethnic motives". Contrary to the Governor's Office, Hakim Dal's family said that the attack was a racist attack and that Hakim Dal was murdered because he was Kurdish. Again, similar racist attacks took place in Afyon and Ankara.
Expressing that the racist policies of the government and the language of hatred played an active role in the increase in racist attacks, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir MP Serpil Kemalbay stated that the opposition could not take a stand for the equality of peoples and could not achieve a complete break from the government.
‘The dominant powers impose the language of hate’
Saying that the increasing racist attacks are not a discrete incident, Serpil noted that there are no job opportunities in the region and the existing jobs are not arranged according to the people of the region. Stating that Kurds and refugees are seen as cheap labor in the West, and people of all ages, especially children, are employed in the tourism and agriculture sector for small wages, Serpil pointed out that these people are exposed to racist attacks wherever they are. Saying that a polarizing language prevails in the country, Serpil said: ‘’A climate of fear has been created since June 7, 2015. The language of hate is constantly being imposed by the ruling powers. As a result of all of these, attacks are increasing. There is a rhetoric directed against the HDP and the Kurdish political will and trying to criminalize it. There are policies implemented to distance the HDP from the West and from democratic politics, not only by targeting but also by attacks and massacres on HDP institutions. They always trigger each other.’’
‘Political power should take responsibility for the attacks’
Pointing out to the deep state that led Turkey to coups and massacres, Serpil said that the Kurdish people and refugees were targeted. Stating that no justice was provided and the attacks were not investigated after the attacks and massacres, Serpil said: ‘’The massacres and attacks are denied.’’ Reminding the statement of the Governor of Konya, Serpil underlined that those who made this statement were the ones who provoked the attack. Serpil stated: ‘’As always, the people who are exposed to the attack are targeted, not those who attack. How many racist attacks is this? Are these all discrete? Just as the attack on Deniz Poyraz is not a discrete one, and the attack on the HDP's district building in Marmaris is not a discrete one, these attacks are not discrete, and those responsible for these attacks are also the political power. It has to take that responsibility.’’
‘Kurdish workers deported’
Noting that Kurdish workers are deported to their hometowns, Serpil said: ‘’These people, who are seasonal workers by putting their best efforts to earn their annual income, have lost everything and are sent to their hometowns, losing their lives, health and the few cents they have saved. No matter how you look at it, discrimination and racism are committed here.‘’ Expressing that Turkey was founded with a nationalist, statist and monist understanding and society was shaped in this direction, Serpil stated that the militarist and racist character of the state is also seen in many opposition parties, especially the main opposition party, and said: ‘’We see that a real confrontation has not been realized.  Although it may seem that there are some changes in style during the election periods, we see that a real democracy and pluralism cannot be achieved. In the face of racist attacks, the main opposition party must first raise its voice. It needs to implement policies that argue that the conflicts taking place here are the result of hate speech, that they are the result of discriminatory chauvinist policies, and that peoples are equal. They even use it themselves from time to time.’’
‘The opposition must display a strong disengagement with hate policies’
Serpil continued as follows: “The demand of the peoples of Turkey for change should also be seen by the opposition parties and they should be effective institutionally. The support and solidarity shown when Deniz Poyraz was murdered was lacking in the eyes of the main opposition. It is necessary to move away from a language and understanding that sees Turkishness as superior and as the owner of these lands. If they do not express themselves that will make a strong disengagement with the hate policy, then how will they differ from the previous ones and from this one? Cizre, Suruç and Antep massacres took place. History is full of such schemes. So what kind of Turkey are we going to build? There will be no such country when we overthrow the one-man regime. The answer must be given today. It is not enough to write the answer to this on paper. Against the racist attack in Konya, all opposition parties must adopt an attitude that will defend the equality of peoples with irreversible sentences.’’