She searches for son's funeral for 4 years

  • 10:54 28 April 2021
  • News
HAKKARİ - The mother of HPG member Rıdvan Polat, who died in the airstrikes in the Garzan region, has been searching for her son's funeral for 4 years. Fazile Polat said: "Even there is a handful of ashes, let them give it to me".
The funeral of People’s Defence Forces (HPG) guerrilla Rıdvan Polat, who died in the post-conflict airstrike in the Garzan region of Bitlis in 2017, has not been given to his family for 4 years. Although an application was made to the prosecutor's office to take the funeral of their son, no result was obtained. Fazile wants her son's funeral to be given.
The question of 'how did he go' instead of the funeral information 
Stating that they were called from the police station in Yüksekova through the village mukhtar shortly after her son passed away, Fazile said that they went to the police station with the family lawyers. In the police station, asked questions like "How did he go? Who took him?" Fazile stated that they were told that her son lost his life.
After 2 years, callers said they did not call
Fazile stated that the situation became definite after seeing that her son lost his life and his photographs were shared on television channels broadcasting in Kurdish after 3 months, and then they went to Bitlis province and applied to many places, and finally gave a DNA sample. Stating that they could not get results despite being told that the DNA results will be released 3 months later, Fazile said: "They called me 2 years after returning from Bitlis. The caller said that he was called by the Bitlis Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. They asked, "Are you Rıdvan Polat's mother?" and told us "Come here". When we went there, they said, "We did not call you. Who called you and said come?"  
"After our lawyer went to the prosecutor's office, they said 3-4 places, they said go and look. Wherever we went, they were not telling us the truth. We visited cemeteries and villages for 2 days but did not learn anything. They gave us a number. We looked at the cemetery, it did not match the number they gave." she said.
‘Are they afraid of the death of our children’
Underlining that her only wish was to learn the location of his son, Fazile made the following call: "Wherever my son is, let them tell us. Even a single handful of ashes, even if they have bones, let them give it to me. I am also willing to my son's bones and ashes. I want to bring here and make his grave. What will they do after they die? Are they afraid of the death of our children? Enough is that we are hurt, nobody else should be hurt. We do not want war. I want peace to be established as soon as possible."