A child detains in Şemdinli!

  • 13:03 29 April 2021
  • News
HAKKARİ - A child was detained in Şemdinli on the grounds of "social media sharing".
The 14-year-old child, who is the child of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Şemdinli former District Co-chair Cabbar Taş, was detained in a police raid on their home in the morning in the district of Hakkari's Şemdinli district. While the house was being searched during the raid, it was learned that the child was detained on the grounds of "social media sharing".
It was stated that the detained child was taken to the Şemdinli Police Headquarters for being questioned. It was noted that the child will be referred to the Şemdinli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office after the procedure at the police station.