HDP requests investigation of Sedat Peker’s allegations

  • 16:58 26 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - HDP Group Deputy Chairpersons Meral Danış Beştaş and Saruhan Oluç requested an investigation of Sedat Peker’s allegations.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chairpersons Meral Danış Beştaş and Saruhan Oluç requested the establishment of an investigation commission within the body of the Assembly Presidency to investigate the allegations made by the mafia leader Sedat Peker.
‘Awards were given to Sedat Peker’
In the question submitted to the Parliament, "as a result of the allegations made by a member of the organized crime organization on social media, some former public officials, still on duty persons, some publicly known persons were involved in crime, such as backing, bribery, drug trafficking and murder. It was stated that they faced very important accusations in the public opinion. The question pointed out that the government had previously given protection to Sedat Peker and held an election rally and said: "It is publicly known that no action has been taken by the public authorities in the face of threats made by the same person against our party and different segments of the society, and awards are given as a charitable business person."
Susurluk Accident reminded
The question emphasized that the information given by Sedat Peker reminds us of the “Susurluk Accident” in 1996, mentioned: "In addition to deep relations, organized crime, gang formations, money laundering, international drug trafficking and murders involving some state officials and public officials during the Susurluk Accident. In the focus of mafia-politics-bureaucracy relations, important crimes against society such as unsolved murders, disappearances under custody and torture have also been revealed. It is claimed that the perpetrators of these crimes, the overwhelming majority of which are rewarded with impunity, continue to have the same relations of interest and crimes today, as well as similar criminal partnerships in the past exist in many parts of the state mechanism."
‘Mehmet Ağar commits new crimes’
In the question, it was underlined that the conflict process originating from the Kurdish issue in particular was used for cover up crimes committed by some state officials in the 90s, mentioned: "The crimes committed by various units of the state in the 1990s, corresponding to the dark years of this country, and that the person in question disclosed were not faced. The murders of Uğur Mumcu and the Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adalı and many other unidentified murders, disappearances in custody, burning of villages, evacuations of villages, torture in custody were neither legally nor socially confronted, and the perpetrators of many rights violations are still not prosecuted. Mehmet Ağar is one of those who are at the center of the criminal allegations. It has been stated that he continues to commit new crimes by using his past 'influence' along with the crimes he has committed in the past. Among them, there are many criminal charges, especially illegal confiscation of property."
‘The Turkish Grand National Assembly is obliged to conduct investigation and examinations’
The question, which also drew attention to the allegations against Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, noted the following: "It is alleged that Soylu, who was also defined as a ‘return ticket’ by the person who published the videos, allocated him protection and helped him meet many people and various collaborations. This and similar extremely grave claims are not likely to end with enumeration. Against all these allegations, the judicial bodies have not taken any action yet. Almost all of the claims made concern the whole of society. The Turkish Grand National Assembly, based on the authority it has received from the public, to investigate the allegations in question and to reveal the dirty relations between politics, bureaucracy and the mafia, as was done before during the Susurluk Accident, it is faced with the obligation to conduct investigation and examination that will reveal the crimes in question and the public officials involved in these crimes."