Directorate of Religious Affairs which not see child abuse opens child channel!

  • 17:00 7 June 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - A protocol was signed by the Directorate of Religious Affairs and TRT for the establishment of the "TRT Diyanet Child Channel".
An agreement was reached by the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) and the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) to establish the "TRT Diyanet Child Channel". "TRT Diyanet Child Channel Protocol Signing Ceremony" was held at the Conference Hall of the Directorate of Religious Affairs. Ali Erbaş, the Chair of Religious Affairs, who remained silent while children were exposed to sexual abuse in Turkey, working to take care of their families in unsafe streets, many children were killed and subjected to all kinds of violence, said in his speech, "We have not been able to introduce our values to our children for years." His problem was ‘values’.
National values!
Ali Erbaş, who sees the children's watching foreign cartoons as a problem, said: "We tried to feed our children with translated foreign cartoons. However, we need to support and feed them with our own national values. We know that 70 percent of human character is formed in childhood before the age of seven years. In this character structure that will be formed before the age of seven, the Directorate of Religious Affairs should contribute, the General Directorate of TRT should contribute."
They never compromised on true religious knowledge!
Ali Erbaş, who did not mention the problems experienced by children in Turkey, argued that children should be free from mistakes and said:
"We need to do this by supporting our children with the most beautiful and correct religious knowledge. We need to raise our children with productions based on correct religious knowledge in line with the Qur'an and sunnah. Religious Affairs has never made any compromise on this, nor has TRT. Hopefully, with the consultancy and contributions of our Directorate of Religious Affairs, with our TRT General Directorate at the beginning of the work, with the national perspective and stance, the realization of a very beautiful channel is a great news and happiness for our nation and the Islamic world. We will try to do this in the best way possible with the cooperation and unity of power."
After the speeches, Ali Erbaş and İbrahim Eren signed the cooperation protocol for TRT Diyanet Child Channel.