Call from women for July 1

  • 12:46 9 June 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - Implement the Istanbul Convention Campaign Group made a call to Taksim Tunnel for July 1.
The anger of women against the withdrawn of the Istanbul Convention on March 20, by the decision of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, does not subside. The women decided to meet in Taksim Tunnel on July 1, the date of abolish of the convention.
Implement the Istanbul Convention Campaign Group published a statement entitled as, “We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention, we are at the rally on June 19, and we are in revolt in Taksim/Tunnel on July 1!” In the statement made on the anniversary of the decision of Nahide Opuz, which inspired the Istanbul Convention, women were called to take to the streets.
The women made the following statement:
“Today is the anniversary of the decision of Nahide Opuz, which was the cornerstone on the road to the Istanbul Convention. 12 years ago, the ECHR convicted Turkey for failing to fulfill its obligation to prevent violence against women. Two years later, Turkey became the first signatory of the Istanbul Convention. But today, instead of effectively protecting women and LGBTI+ individuals from violence, the state is encouraging the perpetrators of violence by announcing its withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and saying July 1 is the deadline.
We reject decisions made on our behalf
Until July 1, we are telling the Istanbul Convention everywhere; The contract is ours, we do not give up, we say withdraw the decision. On July 1, if Turkey really becomes the first and only country to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, that is, if it declares that it has withdrawn from its obligation to prevent violence, we will meet with all our disobedience in Taksim/Tunnel at 19:00 pm. There is no more to it. We say to those who do not recognize the right to life for women and LGBTI+ individuals; then life cannot flow as usual for anyone. We reject the roles, duties, patterns, inequality, violence, and those who decide for us. We spill out into the street. Rights, life, and Istanbul Convention is ours. Let's go to the street to claim our lives together!”