Women to come to Istanbul from every city: ‘Istanbul Convention is ours’

  • 11:36 17 June 2021
  • News
Sena Dolar 
ISTANBUL - EŞİK volunteer Süheyla Doğan called for the rally to be held in Maltepe on June 19 with the slogan "We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention" and said: "Let's be in Maltepe for a very strong voice."
Before the Istanbul Convention will be repealed on July 1, a "Great Women's Rally" will be held on the Maltepe Coast on 19 June, with the call of the Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK). The slogan of the rally, where women from all over Turkey were expected to attend, was "We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention". Speaking to our agency regarding the details of the rally, EŞİK volunteer and member of the "Action Working Group" Süheyla Doğan stated that the rally would be a message to the government. 
‘Over 160 women and LGBTI+ individuals at the meeting’
Stating that EŞİK has many actions for the Istanbul Convention and that an "Action Working Group" was formed to organize these actions, Süheyla reminded that they decided to hold a rally across Turkey with the group and said: "After much discussion and discussion, the idea was accepted. A call was made to the entire Turkey, women's and LGBTI+ movement. EŞİK was the caller of the rally, but as the organizer and organizer, it was decided that 'whoever wants to attend the rally will walk over this'. More than 160 women and LGBTI+ individuals participated in the call made by EŞİK on May 15. Afterwards, a rally preparation group was formed. Nearly 50 women and LGBTI+ individuals take part in this working group. In line with the decisions taken at the meeting, the organization has started."
‘The preparations for the rally continue at full speed’
Stating that Bakırköy was determined as the place for the rally to be held on June 19, but it was changed to Maltepe due to the unsuitable conditions, Süheyla shared the following information about the preparations for the rally: "The Organizing Committee has been formed. The draft of the program has been prepared. Details such as speakers and artists were determined. A petition was submitted to the police yesterday and an official application was made. Its result is now awaited. The preparations for the rally continue at full speed. Our basic motto will be 'We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention'. There will be a march from Bostancı side at 12 o'clock. We will arrive at the Square at 13 o'clock. Each participant will be able to create their own cortege."
‘The government will see our determination’
Saying that women would emphasize once again that will not give up on the Istanbul Convention at the rally, Süheyla stated that the main purpose of the rally was to reverse the termination decision. Emphasizing that they will reiterate their call for the government to abandon its decision until July 1, the date when the convention will be repealed, Süheyla said: "The government will see our determination on this issue. If the termination decision is not withdrawn, we will continue to fight. We will work to have the Istanbul Convention enforced in our own lives, in other mechanisms, and to implement the commitments stipulated in the convention."
‘Let’s be in Maltepe for a very strong voice’
Süheyla finally told the women; "It is important that we make a very strong voice. Let's all be together in Maltepe with our enthusiasm, our words and our slogans."