Reaction to Shengal attacks: ‘If we do not join together, we will go one by one’

  • 12:26 19 August 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Calling for unity against the air strikes carried out by the TAF in Shengal, Peace Mothers Council member Havva Kıran said: ‘’I call for peace, fraternity, humanity and the unity of the Kurds. If we do not join together, we will go one by one.’’
Yazidis living in Shengal, which was subjected to genocide by ISIS on August 3, 2014, are facing air strikes by Turkey. While the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) aircrafts attacked the center of Shengal on August 16, the hospital in the village of Sikêniye, south of the city, was bombed on August 17 and eight people lost their lives. Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Regional Government continue to remain silent against Turkey’s air strikes against Yazidis.
Diyarbakır Peace Mothers Council members made assessments regarding Turkey's air attacks against Shengal.
Call for unity
Drawing attention to Barzani's silence in the face of the attacks on Shengal, Havva Kıran said: ‘’First they sent ISIS, they kidnapped women and children. This time, they are bombing them with the hand of the Turkish state. If Barzani doesn't give permission, it cannot violate the border. Yazidis have been fighting for the survival of Shengal for years.’’ Stating that for the Barzani's interests, he  did not prevent states from entering Shengal and Rojava, Havva said: ‘’Turkey is going and bombing Shengal, which is in your territory. You still say you are Kurdish. We did not bring our children into the world for your interests. You are threatening to hand over those who come to your land to ask about their children to the Turkish state. I call for peace, fraternity, humanity, unity of the Kurds. If we do not join together, we will go one by one.’’
‘Attacking hospitals has no place in any law’
Addressing the human rights defenders, Kudret Eryılmaz emphasized that the world still did not react despite the 73 edicts that the Yazidis lived through. Drawing attention to the hospital, which was bombed by TAF planes, Kudret said: ‘’Attacking hospitals has no place in any law. I am calling out to the world: Let them put their hands on their conscience now. Support Shengal and embrace its wounds. Humanity has been trampled. I feel myself with the mothers there. Making like this, do you think the Yazidis will end? As the violence increases, the people cling to their identity more.’’
‘The persecution that experienced by Yazidis has never been seen anywhere else in the world’
Noting that the persecution that experienced by Yazidis has never been seen anywhere else in the world, Raife Özbay said: ‘’Where have you seen the bombing of hospitals! What right do they have to bomb Shengal? Doesn't the world hear the voice of mothers? Why does the world play blind and deaf? Even though we cannot reach there, our hearts are with the mothers there. We condemn the Turkish state.’’