They make a living with products they grow in fertile soils

  • 12:08 1 September 2021
  • News
BİNGÖL - In the village where various tree and plant species are grown and beekeeping is carried out, women make a living by selling the products they grow in their gardens.
The village of Riz (Sağgözü) in the Genç district of Bingöl was evacuated by the state many times in the 90s. Many citizens, who were subjected to impositions to leave the village, had to migrate to different cities as a result of pressure. Citizens who returned to their evacuated villages in the early 2000s rebuilt their lives. In the village, where various tree and plant species are grown and beekeeping is carried out, agriculture is intensively carried out. Women living in the village of Riz earn their living by selling the fruits and vegetables they grow.
‘Women take care of their gardens with great effort’
Stating that their village has fertile soils, Saadet Akgök says that she has been making her living from farming for many years. Saadet said: ‘’Even if it is not enough for us, it still helps. Many villagers come to the village for their vineyards and gardens. People from village earn their living with the products they collect from the garden. Mostly women are interested in these jobs. Every year, during the garden time, women take care of their gardens with great effort. Since it has a green nature, drought does not affect it here. We collect vegetables and fruits and put them in the bag. Then we send it to the marketplace to be sold.’’
‘Our soils are fertile for agriculture’
Stating that she and her husband make a living by doing various jobs in the village where all kinds of vegetables are grown, Metiye Aydemir said: ‘’Many vegetables such as tomato, pepper, cucumber, bean, eggplant are grown in our village. Our soils are fertile for agriculture. With the vegetables we collect, we both make a living economically and dry them to meet our food needs during the winter months. The honey here is famous. We also do beekeeping. The works we do are hard. My spouse is interested in beekeeping and I am in gardening.’’