No news from RJAK member for 51 days

  • 12:18 25 September 2021
  • News
SULAYMANIYAH - RJAK member Ciwana Ebdulqadir, who was detained by the KDP, has not been heard from for 51 days.
While returning from the commemoration event held in Shengal for the anniversary of the attack carried out by ISIS on the Yazidis on August 3, 2014, news was received 33 days later from three women from the Kurdistan Free Women’s Organization (RJAK), who were detained by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) public order in Hewlêr on August 5. From women Cewle Mihemed and Seyran Ehmed were released on bond by the court on September 6.
Ciwana Ebdulqadir, one of the women still in detention, has not been heard from for 51 days.
