Sexual harassment to 5 children in Kulp: Village guards threat families

  • 12:21 19 October 2021
  • News
Beritan Canözer
DİYARBAKIR - It turned out that in a neighborhood of Kulp, imam Hamdusena C. Harassed five children who went to the quran course. The imam was taken into custody upon the complaints of the families.
It has been revealed that Hamdusena C., who is stated to be an imam in a neighborhood of Diyarbakır's Kulp district, sexually harassed five children who went to the Quran course. It was learned that the children first told their families about their experiences, but after a while, after their families did not believe it, they shared it with a teacher working at the school. It was stated that the imam was detained a week ago and is still in custody, after the teacher informed the gendarmerie and filed a complaint after the children told teacher.
On the other hand, it was stated that the village guards and the mukhtar in the neighborhood threatened the families for that not to complain.
‘They have bruises on their bodies’
A witness, who did not want to be named, claimed that a child had been raped in the neighborhood before and the incident was covered up by the village guards. The witness said, ‘’It should be 2017-2018. A child was raped by a village guard, the child became pregnant. Then the state took the child under protection, but the village guard was neither detained nor arrested. The incident was covered up, forgotten. They are trying to cover up this incident as well. Five children are abused. The mukhtar and village guards call the families and say ‘do not complain, withdraw the complaint’. Families are tried to being scared. The children have bruises on their bodies. The Imam also committed physical violence against his children. The children told both the teacher and their families.’’
'It was said ‘lay claim to your friend’
It was learned that five children were called by the prosecutor’s office to take their statements and during the statement, the children were asked ‘’What is harassment?’’
While it was alleged that the District Office of Mufti had a meeting with the neighborhood imams and said ‘’This is a slander, lay claim to your friend’’, it was recorded that the children gave the images they took during the harassment to the gendarmerie.