Call from Halabja Chemical Association

  • 16:22 5 November 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Rubar Mihemed, a member of the High Council of the Halabja Chemical Association, stated that the countries remained silent about the use of chemical weapons in the Federated Kurdistan Region, and that organizations against chemical weapons should come together and come to an agreement on this issue.
The attacks launched by Turkey on the Zap, Avasin and Metina areas in the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23 continue. It is stated that Turkey used chemical weapons in these attacks. While reactions to the use of chemical weapons have risen from many segments, the relevant organizations, institutions and international forces have not made an attempt despite all the calls made so far.
‘Those who talk about human rights remain silent’
Rubar Mihemed, member of the High Council of the Halabja Chemical Association in the Federated Kurdistan Region, spoke to RojNews. Reacting to international forces that remain silent against Turkey’s use of chemical weapons in the region, Rubar said, ‘’Chemical weapons are produced by countries and these weapons are now being traded and used against civilians in Kurdistan. Chemical weapons were used in Behdinan on March 13, 1988. It is the same wound and the same disaster for us. Why do countries that talk about human rights not speak out against the chemical weapons used in Behdinan? For this purpose, we have demanded that these weapons be banned and not used for years. In this case, a suitable solution must be found’’.
The crime committed against humanity
Rubar stated that the use of banned weapons for the sake of political race is a crime against humanity and an inhumane act. ‘’Chemical weapons also harm the environment and health of our country. Why are our lands exposed to chemical weapons attacks by Turkey and the Baath regime? Regimes that ban these weapons are using them against our people. These weapons are bought from European countries and traded. Turkey is also using it against the Kurds. Turkey does not want the Kurds to have anything,’’ Rubar said.
‘These weapons should not be allowed to be used’
Stating that the use of chemical weapons has negative effects on health, environment and many other areas, Rubar emphasized that the countries of the world remain silent against the use of chemical weapons in Kurdistan. Rubar said, ‘’We hope that the massacres will be stopped. These weapons should not be allowed to be used. But as far as we understand, international powers will not end using chemical weapons for trade’’.
Rubar made a call
Rubar, who stated that no country should trade with Turkey due to what happened in Behdinan, emphasized that the organizations against chemical weapons in the four parts should come together and come to an agreement on this issue.