23rd International Rosa Luxemburg Conference to be held in Berlin

  • 15:41 5 November 2017
  • News
NEWS CENTER- The 23rd International Rosa Luxembourg Conference and March will take place in Berlin, Germany, on January.
The traditional International Rosa Luxemburg Conference and March is held at the end of the second week of January every year. The program of the 23rd International Rosa Luxembourg Conference and March, will take place in Berlin on January 13, has been announced by Junge Welt Newspaper. According news published by Sol Haber, a representative of the South African Communist Party will attend the conference and will make a speech during the conference.
''Amandla! Awethu!'' (Power! It Is Ours!), symbolizing the struggle against racial discrimination, is determined as the main slogan of the conference. Achille Mbemble, from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Johannesburg, will make a presentation with the title “Africanization of the World”.
Many participants will give presentations on Africa
Clotilde Ohouochi, former Minister of Social Affairs of Ivory Coast and living in exile in Paris since 2011, will give a presentation on the Africa practice of French imperialism. Alternative Nobel Prize winner Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey will make a speech on how international companies make Africa a desert for profit.
Representatives from the Communist Party of Cuba and socialists from the United States will also attend the conference and 2,500 people are expected to attend the conference.