‘Women’s solidarity’ saves a child forced into prostitution

  • 10:22 14 November 2017
  • News
MALATYA – “As a woman forced into prostitution, I couldn’t remain insensitive against what a child faced. I did not have any alternative but she had ...” said B., who saved the life of a child forced into prostitution. “I couldn’t keep the child with me but her family will stay silent and cause their daughter to be subjected to sexual abuse. The child needs help,” said B.
Women are wanted to be drawn to spiral of violence almost in every sphere of life by male dominant system. The women are trying to get rid of this spiral sometimes by using their right to self-defense and sometimes by using different methods. The story of B. is another story. We cannot write her real name due to security reason and we will use “B” for her. B. is keeping her struggle to save the life of a child from the spiral of prostitution and violence that she couldn’t save herself. B’s path crossed with a child named A. (17) in a home used for prostitution. B. is trying to take the child from the house.
17-year-old child was forced into prostitution by a man named Orhan K. sexually abused her in Malatya province. Orhan took A. to a house used for prostitution. A. told B. how she was subjected to the sexually abuse and violence. B. took A. to police station and filed a complaint against him and the child was given to her family.  B. had to drop the charge due to the pressure of the child’s family and threats of Orhan allegedly a good friend of the child’s family. Orhan was released after a night in custody.
B. spoke to JINNEWS and told what she faced.
‘I didn’t have any alternative but she had’
B. said the male-dominant system didn’t give her any chance except for prostituting and she stated that many youth, like her, are being detached from society by methods like drugs and prostitution. B. said she had taken 17-year-old A. to Sümer Police Station whenever she told her what she faced. “As a woman forced into prostitution, I couldn’t remain insensitive against what a child faced. I did not have any alternative but she had. For this reason, I had to take her away from this. She told me what she had faced. She was sexually abused by her uncle first but her family kept this secret. I called her family and told them everything. I took the child to police station to file a complaint. However, Orhan was the family’s friend. Both her uncle and the family’s friend committed this offense but the family was forced to keep silent. I couldn’t keep the child with me but her family will stay silent and cause their daughter to be subjected to sexual abuse. The child needs help immediately.
“Drug addiction has recently increased in Malatya. Malatya wasn’t a city like that before. But now you can see those who openly do this job. First the drugs are given free, after the youth become drug addiction; they have to pay for it. Drugs are sold in several cafes. The cafés named K. Café, T. Café and C. Café are the cafes used for prostitution trap.”