Mitanni Cultural Center assigned to AKP!

  • 10:30 8 January 2018
  • News
MARDİN - Nusaybin Municipality’s trustee Ergün Baysal has assigned the Mitanni Cultural Center in the district to the AKP.
Trustees were appointed to 94 municipalities held by the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) by statutory decree issued under the state of emergency. Ergün Baysal, who was appointed to Mardin’s Nusaybin Municipality, has assigned the Mitanni Cultural Center to the AKP.
Citizens stated that the appointed trustee Ergün Baysal has been serving to the AKP District Organization in Nusaybin with all the equipment and that he has only hired his relatives to the municipality. All buildings belonging to the municipality have been reportedly assigned to the Turkish Youth and Education Service Foundation (TÜRGEV) and the AKP District Organization.
The citizens reacted to the appointed trustee and they said, “He serves to the AKP not the people”. But despite all reactions, he has assigned the Mitanni Cultural Center to the AKP. The AKP has held many meetings and activities at the cultural center.