Hêvî Mustafa: Attacks on Afrin will cause Daesh to strengthen again

  • 10:40 10 February 2018
  • News
Zeynep Kızılırmak/Lîlav Elî
AFRİN - Afrin Canton Executive Council Co-chair Hêvî Mustafa stated that there is an attack targeting civilians, history and the will of women’s freedom. “The terror is slowly coming to an end in Syria. The Turkish state wants to restart the terror and spread this terror to the whole of northern Syria. The attacks will help Daesh to strengthen,” said Hêvî.
Attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed groups on Afrin have entered the 22nd day. Civilians have been targeted by warplanes and bombs with the aim of depopulating the area. Afrin, where 700,000 people live, has had its name writing in “Resistance of the ages” by resisting Turkish Army, ranks as the fourth largest standing military force in NATO, and Turkey-backed groups for 22 days. The city where Kurdish, Arab, Circassian, Armenian peoples and the beliefs of Sunni, Alevis, Ezidi, Christian live together is one of places where women’s will has been reflected the most.
‘Civilians are being targeted’
Afrin people think an equal system has been built along with the Rojava Revolution and the main attack of the Turkish state is to prevent this egalitarian system based on women’s freedom from being a model for the whole Middle East. Afrin Canton Executive Council Co-chair Hêvî Mustafa noted that the attacks have more aims. “Turkish state and Turkey-backed terrorists affiliated Al-Nusra and Daesh are attacking Afrin by using the weapons of the latest war technology. They are targeting civilians when they get severe bows from fearless will of our heroic fighters of YPG/YPJ and defense units of the people of Afrin. They are targeting civilians, schools and historic sites. Their single purpose is to break the will of our people,” said Hêvî.
‘Their goal was to scare people but they failed’
Noting that the aim of targeting civilians during attacks is to scare people and depopulate the area, Hêvî said, “But our peoples’ stance shows how the people and fighters become integrated. The first aim of Turkish attacks is to break the will of the Kurdish people in Northern Syria, the second is to ensure the continuation of the war in Syria and the third is to destroy the democratic practice in Northern Syria. Turkish state is targeting the historic sites; they want to destroy the common memory of the people of the region.”
‘We fight for the whole world’
Criticizing the silence of the world against the ongoing attacks, Hêvî said, “All humanity has our YPG/YPJ forces and the will of our people to thank for. The people tasting freedom thanks to the    sacrifice of their heroes have decided: they will resist. But we also criticize the silence of both the forces in Syria and the countries saying they are defending human rights.
“The terror is slowly coming to an end in Syria. The Turkish state wants to restart the terror and spread this terror to the whole of northern Syria. The attacks will help Daesh to strengthen. If this silence continues, Daesh will be active again and the terror will spread to the whole Syria.”