Laborer Women call for participation in symposium

  • 11:59 19 February 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Laborer Women have issued a call for participation in the symposium to be organized with the motto, “Now is the time for women’s freedom”.
Laborer Women (Emekçi Kadınlar -EKA) have issued a call for participation in the symposium to be organized at Cezayir Meeting Hall in Istanbul’s Beyoğlu district on February 25, 2018 with the motto, “Now is the time for women’s freedom”. Academic and writer Sibel Özbudun, EKA members Fatma Yıldırım and Nurten Karahancı, lawyer Seher Dursun, academic Lütfiye Bozdağ, Önsöz Magazine editor-in-chief Songül Yücel and İnsancıl Magazine writer Berrin Taş will attend the symposium as speakers.