Women march in Istanbul despite rain

  • 12:30 4 March 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Women gathering in Dikilitaş for the March 8 International Women’s Day rally to be held in Istanbul have begun to march to Bakırköy Open Air Market. The march continues with great enthusiasm despite heavy rain.
Women have begun to gather in Dikilitaş for the March 8 International Women’s Day rally to be held in Istanbul led by March 8 Platform with the motto, “We are resisting for our freedom, labor and body against sexism, state of emergency and war”. The women came to Dikilitaş by carrying flags and banners despite rain and they faced police and armored vehicle blockade there.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Women’s Assembly, Free Women’s Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad -TJA), Confederation of Public Laborer's Unions (KESK) Istanbul Women’s Assembly, Istanbul Women’s Assemblies and many women’s organizations have joined the march and they shouted slogan “Jin jiyan azadi” (Women life freedom).
As the women continue to march by carrying the flags and banners despite rain, the women have begun to enter the rally area.
Pervin will attend as speaker
HDP Co-chair Pervin Buldan will attend the rally as a speaker.