‘Those who turn a blind eye to crime against humanity in Afrin is responsible for the massacres’

  • 10:21 18 March 2018
  • News
ADANA - “The people don’t leave their land face a massacre. Those who turn a blind eye to attacks is responsible for the massacres,” said HDP Party Council member Asiye Kolçak, who stated that a crime against humanity is committed in Afrin.
Turkish attacks on Afrin have continued for 58 days despite the ceasefire decision of the United Nations Security Council in Syria. Until now, many civilians including children have been killed by Turkish bombardment on Afrin city center, where hundreds of thousands of people live.
“A place where thousands of people live has been bombed and the people are forcibly displaced. And they call this ‘operation’ or ‘cleaning’,” said HDP Party Council member Asiye Kolçak and she emphasized that a crime against humanity is committed in Afrin under the name of “protecting the border”.
Asiye said, “I cannot accept this attack and invasion as a Kurdish woman, politician, mother and an anti-war person. This attack is an attack aiming at eliminating the achievements of the Kurdish people fighting against Daesh. They want to evacuate Afrin and to settle jihadists. The demographic structure is wanted to be changed. Despite everything, we stand by Afrin.  We expect the ceasefire decision of the United Nations Security Council to be observed in Syria.
“We appeal to the peoples of the world, to progressive, anti-war people; Afrin is a struggle of people resisting for their own land and life. It is a community of peoples who insist on fighting to live together in a common country with all the languages that will be a model to the Middle East. Taking Afrin from its original owners and giving it to other people is unacceptable. This war is not the war of the oppressed peoples; it is the war of the sovereigns. This war is for those who want to seize the riches of the Middle East. It is the war of imperial powers. Those who commit the crime against humanity will certainly pay the price before history.”