French delegation members detained in Ağrı province

  • 15:39 24 June 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Two people coming from France to observe the elections and their translator have been detained in Ağrı province. Three administrators of the Human Rights Association (İHD) have been detained in Erzurum province. AKP members voted openly in Iğdır province were taken out from school.
A delegation consists of two people coming from France to observe the elections were detained along with their translator at police checkpoint located at the entrance of Ağrı province. The reason for detention is unknown yet.
Human Rights Association (İHD) members Yavuz Karabudak, Sertaç Öztürk and Erdal Özakçıl have been reportedly taken into custody in Tekman district of Erzurum province and in the city center. Yavuz and Erdal have been reported to be taken into custody in the city center while Sertaç has been reportedly taken into custody in Tekman district. The reason for detention of three people is unknown yet.
AKP administrators reportedly voted openly in the Zor, Gülpınar and İslam villages of Iğdır’s Karakoyunlu district. The AKP members were taken out from the schools after the reactions of officials and citizens in the schools.