Call from Ecological Organizations: Stop Turkish State‘s Brutal War on Northeast Syria!

  • 15:32 12 October 2019
  • News
NEWS CENTER- 70 ecological organizations working on ecology and democracy from all over the world have released a statement and they call on all people around the world to stop Turkey’s offensive on NE Syria.
70 ecological organizations working on ecology and democracy from all over the world have released a statement and they call on all people around the world to stop Turkey’s offensive on NE Syria. The statement says the Syrian people and their nature are faced with a brutal invasion by the Turkish state since 9th October 2019.
The statement is as follows;
“We, organizations working on ecological and democratic future, condemn the war that the Turkish government has unilaterally called on Northeast Syria. This war has absolutely no legitimate justification, but rather is a crime and is deepening the war in the region in a very serious way. It is an invasion attempt which targets the democratic achievements of the Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs and others living together peacefully in Northeast Syria. In 2012 the liberation process started in Rojava, the predominantly Kurdish region within Syria, and afterwards spread to many other parts of Northeast Syria with the defeat of the terrorist Islamic State (IS). The model of self-administration called "democratic autonomy" is based primarily on the liberation of women, direct democracy, ethnic and religious diversity and ecological principles. It is by far the most peaceful and democratic region within Syria after eight years of disastrous war. This democratic region must be defended by all people and organizations all around the world if the opportunity for any democratic change is to be maintained for Syria!
The first two days of the ongoing attacks show that the Turkish army also purposefully targets civilians and their livelihoods. Water supply facilities, dams, electricity power plants and other infrastructure has been destroyed. The whole of the natural world, which hosts human society, is heavily impacted by air and artillery attacks. Dozens of projects for an ecological, democratic and gender liberated life, some of which have been established with the participation of many international people and civil society organizations, are also under threat. Once more we experience: war is a crime on people and on nature.
The people are resisting this invasion and attempt to change the demographics of the region with all means possible, but there is a huge imbalance while fighting in self defence against a big NATO state. The role of the USA, which gave space to Turkey for this brutal war, is more than shameful, but all other Western states, Russia, as well other regional and global states, must be criticized intensively too.
If the war of the Turkish government on Northeast Syria, which is cleary a violation of international law, is not be halted, it will have catastrophic results and will solve no problems. We challenge all international organizations and governments who claim to be democratic to speak up against this war.
We call on all democratic and ecological organizations to raise your voices for the people of Northeast Syria, join and organize public democratic actions, and immediately demand that politicians take all steps possible to halt this brutal war against innocent people, democracy and nature!”
A call by:
Mesopotamia Ecology Movement, North Kurdistan/Turkey
Make Rojava Green Again, Rojava
Internationalist Commune, Rojava
Waterkeeper Iraq
Civil Development Organization (CDO), National NGO, Iraq
Save the Tigris Campaign, Iraq
Iraqi Civil Society Soloidarity Initiative (ICSSI), Iraq
Movement of Dam Affected People (MAB), Brazil
Movement of Dam Affected People from Latin America (MAR), The AmericA
Ende Gelände, Germany
Balkanka Association Sofia, Bulgaria
European Water Movement
Ekolologistak Martxan, Basque Country
Komite Internazionalistak, Basque Country
Kurdistanekin Elkartasun Ekimena, Basque Country
Catalan Network for a New Water Culture, Catalonia
Cambridge Social Ecology, UK
Italian Forum of Water Movements
FridaysForFuture Frankfurt, Germany
Association Town Partnership Oldenburg-Efrîn, Germany
Metro Center for Journalists Right & Advocacy, Iraq
Fundacja Zielone Światło, Poland
Ecosocialist Horizons, USA
Inter-American Vigilance for the Defense and the Right to Water (Red VIDA), The Americas
Kareza Institution, Iran
Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive, North-Kurdistan/Turkey
Chiya Environmental Institution, Iran
Green Kurdistan Environmental Organization, Iran
Green Chiya Organization, Iran
Mariwan Cultural and Literary Organization, Iran
Rojiyar Cultural and Literary Organization, Iran
Plan C, UK
Kurdistan Solidarity Network, UK
Movement of Defence of Water, Land and Environment (MODATIMA), Chile
Mariwan Teachers Union, Iran
Ronan Scientific and Cultural Center, Iran
The Corner House, UK
Solidarity Economy Association, UK
Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP), Catalonia
Pajin Environmenal Organization. Iran
Saqiz Environment protectors Organization. Iran
Ashti Cultural Development Foundation Bane. Iran
Platform for Public and Community Partnerships of the America’s, PAPC
Fundación Abril, Bolivia
Ecos, El Salvador
Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sabila, Colombia
Cambridge Zero Carbon Society, UK
Hetaw Environmental Organization of Sardasht. Iran
Shney Nojin Organization of Sine. Iran
Green Kurdistan Population. Iran
Sardasht Environment Protectors Institution. Iran
EcoMujer, Germany
Red de Sistemas Comunitarios y Comités por la Defensa del Agua, México
Agua para Tod@s, Agua para la Vida, México
Devon and Cornwall Green Anti Capitalist Forum, UK
Umweltgewekschaft e.V. - Regional Group Bremen/Oldenburg, Germany
Bristol Social Ecology, UK
Danish Ecologist Tannie Nyboe, Denmark
Solidarity Economy Association, UK
Kurdistan Green Jiwan Organization, Iran
Baroje Literary Center, Iran
Zagros Oak Organization of Rabbat, Iran
Yaqui Music Collective, USA
First Ecosocialist International
Campaign against Animal Factories, Niedersachsen, Germany
Plataforma Ciudadana Zaragoza sin Fractura, Spain
Asociacion de Cultura Popular Alborada, Spain
Aigua és Vida, Catalonia
Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres, Catalonia
Moviment per l'aigua pública i democràtica, Catalonia
Fridays For Future, UK
Himanshu Thakkar, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People, India
Janet Biehl, Independist Scholar, USA
Dr Derek Wall, former International Coordinator of the Green Party of England and Wales
Linda Farthing, Journalist, Bolivia
Eyal Rozenberg, Activist, Palestine/Israel
Prof. Felix Padel, Wales, UK
Joost Jongerden, Associate Professor Wageningen University, Netherlands
Debbie Bookchin, Activist and Writer, USA
Abdurrezzak İlge, Mardin Artuklu University, Fine Arts Faculty, Turkey
Sina Arnold, Academician, Germany
Professor Kariane Westrheim, University of Bergen, Norway. Chair of EUTCC.
Federico Venturini, PhD, University of Udine, Italy
Enrica Saraullo, International Solidarity Officer, International Workers of the World, UK
Gisela Penteker, IPPNW, Germany
Heike Geisweid, Bochum, Germany, Lawyer
Pete Davies, Organising Department Chair, Industrial Workers of the World, UK
Erling Folkvord, Former MP in Norway and today the leader of Solidarity with Kurdistan
Nadia Alexan, Professor, Canada
Kati Engel, Member of Thuringia Parliament, DIE LINKE, Germany
Beata Nowak, Co-Chief Editor of Zielone Wiadomości, Poland
Women's Strike Assembly, Cymru (Wales)
Kurdish Solidarity, Cymru (Wales)
IWW, Cymru (Wales)
Mar Carrera, Education Activist, Catalonia
Giannis Papadimitriou, Ativist, Greece
Wasilis von Rauch, Ecology Activist, Germany
Rüdiger Bahr, IG-Metall member, Germany
Matt Heinrich, UK
Julian Melamade, Brighton IWW Secretary, UK
Raphaël Favier, France
Dr. Savaş Ergül, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, Ireland
Burcu Seyben, Academician, USA
Prof. Neşe Özgen, Duke University, USA