Baby assumed dead by private hospital turns out to be alive

  • 11:45 21 November 2019
  • News
MARDİN - After learning that she was pregnant, Z.N., had an ultrasound in a private hospital in Kızıltepe, was told that her baby had died and that she must have an abortion. Z.N. had not enough money for this operation, and when she went to the state hospital, she learned that her baby was alive. Z. filed a criminal complaint about the private hospital, "If I had the money my baby would not be alive" she said.
Z.N., who lives in Kızıltepe district of Mardin, went to a private hospital for an ultrasound when she learned that she was pregnant in June. However, the doctors in the private hospital said: "Your baby is dead; you have to abort it."  But Z.N didn’t have enough money for this operation; she has gone to the state hospital in order to pay less for this operation. But she found out that her baby was still alive and didn’t have any health problems. Z.N immediately filed a criminal complaint at Kiziltepe Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and then went to the Kiziltepe Civil Court of First Instance for requesting compensation.
‘We went to the private hospital but…’
Z.N. said that she learnt that her baby lived by chance and that it had a great impact on her. They asked her 500 TL for the hospitalization. ’If we could give the money that day, my baby would not be alive. This situation is not acceptable. They had a lot of doctors but they misdiagnosed. "
The family's lawyer said that there was no improvement in the case, and expressed that the criminal complaint will be put into action as soon as possible.