A Women’s Perspective of Science

  • 09:33 5 December 2020
  • Gyneology Discussions
“By redefining the social function and character of science on the basis of Jineolojî, we also reveal what science is in essence. We also know that there is a need for a strong re-establishment of ties with ethics and aesthetics in order to reach a correct and social definition of science. "
Fidan Can
We are passing through a difficult and shaky period in human history. In the new conflict-crisis environment (defined also as a third world war), civilization forces rebuild humanity according to the draft they have built. Production, consumption, politics and social changes develop according to this draft. The history of civilization with its rapist character makes women a great force of exploitation both materially and spiritually so ensures its own existence and also secures itself. In this sense, the history of civilization is a history of usurpation, lies and darkness, and the loss of social freedom is at its basic. "The Loss of Women" has also caused the loss of social freedom. Everything about life is hidden in the loss of women. The power of women is also hidden in the loss of women. So as we solve, enlighten and interpret this loss, it is certain that we will give more meaning to ourselves and to life. As we solve this loss, the millenniums of rootlessness imposed on us will be overcome and the stem cell will regain its recognition and meaning it deserves.
Women have been subjected to a huge slavery
In the statist-powerist system, one-way consciousness of men means the increase of domination on women, the strengthening of gender discrimination and male domination, thus it means a skillful usage and exploitation of women. With this colonial consciousness and approach, women have been subjected to a huge slavery and the truth has been covered and masked in the person of women. But the community built around women for thousands of years ago allows all values about humanity to be realized. From this perspective, which truths of life can be known without knowing the truth of women? Therefore, the truth cannot be reached without correct analysis of mythologies, religions and philosophy-science that cover, hide and mask the truth of women. It is precisely at this point that Jineolojî appears as the field of finding and constructing the truth covered and masked in the person of women.
A male civilization created by male mind
To retrace the ideological, political, social, scientific and cultural crisis and problems experienced today, it will be important to look at the beginning of social freedom problems to get results while searching for an answer for the question, "Where and how has the society lost in the person of women?" On the basis of the criticisms made on today's social sciences are the history’s infertility of society in illuminating the roots of freedom problems, and its inability to overcome the stereotypes of the civilization, center of the capitalist modernity. “Women reality” pays the heavy price of this although they –women- have shown that they have power to build social mentality-morality and the political space as they did in Neolithic society. And this reality is waiting for being enlightened and being made visible in all aspects. In this sense; it is necessary to focus on the history of civilization leaving women without identity, willpower and lost. The main thing responsible for the social status of women and not even making this status a science subject is the modernity’s hegemonic mentality formed by masculine mind. Without knowing and resolving this truth, every step taken on behalf of women will result in defeat. So, the first step to be taken in the terms of truth is to deeply and thoroughly resolve the five-thousand-year-old patriarchal mentality and its structures.
The result of blindness has improved
The fact that the women's issue, one of the most fundamental problems of society, has not even been evaluated in the field of social sciences and it is one of the most important problems that need to be resolved for us. Current social sciences drive the society to the brink of chaos in the person of women. Social sciences have defined women as the weakest member of society, instead of defining them as the members started the sociality. Within the framework of this definition, in today's societies, women are seen as a source of problems and are kept under intensive isolation. Since social sciences cannot play their role as a solution force, women experience such problems in today's societies. The blindness of modern social scientists against the reality of women has also caused the social blindness. The objectification of the human society having very different and colorful nature has been the result of blindness for humanity, not enlightenment.
The gender stereotypes of science aren't just for women
The hierarchical relationship developed based on the subject-object understanding has found its response in the world of science, and most importantly, it has turned into a race to exploit and dominate women and nature. The science developing on the stones built by religion and philosophy has been shaped in a patriarchal and ruling character. It has even gone beyond comment and improvability by further deepening and weakening this character and it has formed permanent, absolute stereotypes based on experiment. In this sense, science is a space where sexism against women is most concentrated. The sexist nature of science is not just about excluding, marginalizing or ignoring women. We see that gender-based discrimination is reflected in different forms in the universe, nature and history, especially in social nature. The removal of women from the world of science and knowledge has dominated gender-based and masculine stereotypes in the scientific world and the methodological method. The gender-based stereotypes of science serve the domination and exploitation not only of women but also of nature, society, and even of men. Science, a pillar of gender-based discrimination, has produced sovereignty in the name of men and slavery in the name of women. Today, the gender-based data formed on the basis of science legitimate the slavery of women and the sovereignty of men. All these data also indicate that science has developed as a male science. Gender-based discrimination is the most powered, legitimized and gained continuity by all these data.
Neolithic cultural values light the way
Capitalist modernist perception defines science as the development of rationalism, in other word capitalism. But the main source of science is the Neolithic revolution process. The Neolithic revolution, developed as a cultural revolution, created material and spiritual cultural elements for the development of humanity. Neolithic cultural values shed light on the developing civilization. Neolithic culture is the main culture in this perspective. The creator and dominant element of this root culture is women. Farming, domestication animals, making tools, building shelters, creating the first domestic places, making clothes, developing moral, art, science and language, all these inventions were led by women. Women are those who left their mark on all these creations. A society is built around mother/women along with these values. The mother/ women are a social phenomenon. They are a social force because the society is built around them. There is a system that develops under the leadership of women. This system is a system of freedom. This system has justice, freedom, fraternity, love, labor and virtue. In Neolithic society, there is a tremendous sociality and culture that developed around the women. The discovery of the plant, its cultivation, blending it, harvesting it, and the development of tools to store the obtained product are the greatest scientific developments. And also domestication of animals, using of their wool, taking advantage of their milking, producing rugs, and providing foods are also a discovery. Discovering the wheat, turning it into flour and making bread, and also discovering and using fire are the greatest scientific inventions. And all these inventions have been achieved thanks to thousands years of women's labor, experience... All the things we eat, drink and wear today are still the product of this process.
Jineolojî indeed redefine the social function and character of science
The science itself will be more strongly determined and defined when all these inventions and discoveries are based upon a scientific foundation within the scope of Jineolojî. In this sense, both the history of Neolithic and the women’s struggle for freedom based upon scientific data will allow us, women, to advance stronger.  By redefining the social function and character of science on the basis of Jineolojî, we also reveal originally what science is. We also know that there is a need for a strong re-establishment of ties of ethics and aesthetics in order to reach a correct and social definition of science. In this sense, Jineolojî will purify science from the male mind and place it on the axis of society. Only in this way, science will reach its origin, its sources and its correct definition.