People resist in İkizdere, gendarmerie commits violence

  • 13:31 27 April 2021
  • News
RİZE - Citizens who wanted to prevent construction equipments in the construction of quarry in İkizdere were battered by the gendarmerie.
The watch of the local people continues on the sixth day against the quarry intended to be built in the İşkencedere Valley in the İkizdere district of Rize province. The construction equipment that entered the valley in the early hours of the morning continued the road construction. In these works, dozens of trees, including walnut and lime trees, were removed from their roots.
Women were battered
According to the news in the Mesopotamia Agency (MA), the villagers who came to the region upon the operation of the construction machines wanted to stop working by entering under the construction machines. The group with the women in front was battered by the gendarmerie when it came to the area where the work was carried out. Women who got in front of the construction equipment were wanted to roll down. In addition, many citizens were injured by the stones rolled by the construction equipment. The construction machines, which were withdrawn after the determination of the group, continue their work at the entrance of the valley.
A cut village’s water off 
Citizens reacting to the works said that there is no drinking water since yesterday. Stating that they could not cook, for this reason, Ayşe Baş, one of the villagers of Cevizlik, said: “Tonight we could only eat bread. We could not make ablution to perform our prayers. May they fear God. See us.”
While the nature watch of the villagers continued, many citizens from Giresun and Artvin provinces came to the region for support.