‘Justice’ watch on its 100th day

  • 15:59 16 June 2021
  • News
URFA - The "Justice" watch initiated by Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar in front of the Urfa Courthouse is on its 100th day. Making a statement regarding the 100th day of their action, Emine and Ferit said: "The wheel of cruelty will be broken."
The sit-in in front of the Urfa Courthouse since March 9 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons in the attack of the relatives and bodyguards of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack in the Suruç district of Urfa before the June 2018 elections, demanding "justice". The action of the Şenyaşar family continues on its 100th day.
Emine started the shift late because she made a phone call with her son Fadıl Şenyaşar, who was in the single-person ward of Elazığ High Security Prison.
The family, who came in front of concrete barriers in front of the courthouse, started their action with placard that written on: “A mother has been standing guard in front of the Şanlıurfa Palace of Justice for 100 days. Her two children and her husband were killed in the hospital. Since there was a MP in the massacre, no lawsuit has been filed for three years.”
Ferit, who started the vigil with Emine, made a press release on the 100th day of their actions.
‘We cannot sit at home’
Ferit reminded once again of the massacre that took place, noting that the Urfa Chief Prosecutor tried to cover up the massacre. Ferit said: "We have filed a criminal complaint to the Constitutional Court regarding this and we are waiting for the result. If a fair decision is made by the Constitutional Court, legal action will begin against the prosecutor who is currently serving as the Şanlıurfa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Because the prosecutor covers up this massacre and becomes a partner in the massacre. We have been here with my mother for 100 days. The pavements of Şanlıurfa Palace of Justice have become our second home. We cannot sit at home. We are not just holding a sit-in here, we are also demanding and fighting for justice."
‘We will get justice’
Expressing that they faced different obstacles during their watch, Ferit said that when they wanted to meet with the prosecutor about the fate of the file, the police prevented them. Ferit said that the prosecutors disturbed by their demands for justice and said: "If the prosecutors are disturbed by this, we will continue to disturb them. We risk being detained and even killed. We will get justice, then we will go home."
After the statement, the family continued the sit-in.
On the other hand, the family shared the following on their social media accounts: "What we are experiencing is not justice, it is persecution. Against this persecution, we will exist with hope. This wheel of cruelty will break at some point. A time of account will come. Our struggle in Şanlıurfa Palace of Justice (!) is on its 100th day."