Nefel Women’s Collective: We need support

  • 12:37 22 July 2021
  • News
Sema Çağlak 
DİYARBAKIR - Nefel Women's Collective Coordinator Arzu Sunar said that the more women are supported, the greater their hope will be. Arzu said: ‘’We all need to grow together. The bigger we grow, the more support we need.’’
Nefel Women's Collective started its activities as a hobby course in February 2020. The course, which was closed due to the pandemic process, started the ‘’Association of First Children’’ activities with the public in June of the same year. The collective, which started its activities with the name “Nefel Amigurami”, initially includes eight women and now 62 women.
Nefel Women's Collective Coordinator Arzu Sunar spoke about their work.
‘We have grown day by day’
Talking about their new works first, Arzu said that they are growing as a collective day by day. Arzu said: ‘’We are doing our work here for the Association of First Children’’. We started working with eight women. Now we are working with 62 women. We did not have a shop to sell toys. We were only selling online. We grew day by day. We opened a shop in order to enlarge our work and to carry out our work. Opening this shop paved the way for us to make toys.’’
‘Women are learning how to make toys’ 
Stating that women are also given toy making training, Arzu said: ‘’We do not only sell in the shop, we also provide training. Many women learn to make toys by participating in trainings. We supply the materials needed for toy making. Our toys are natural. For this reason, the toys we make play an important role in the development and health of children. Our aim is to get children away from nylon toys and introduce them to natural toys.’’
‘Woman can do whatever she wants’
Stating that the hopes of women have grown with the support given, Arzu used the following words: ‘’A woman can do anything she wants. We started with eight women, but now we have reached a large number. I really didn't expect it to get this enlarge. But I believe in women. We have already seen with our own eyes that if a woman wants, their way is open. Of course, stones come in their way, but the  request of women will bring success.’’
Women will tell their own stories
Referring to the projects they will prepare for the upcoming period, Arzu continued: ‘’We made 11 animations and cartoons with the Stop-Motion method. Now we have work on the next November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In this study, we will make the life story of eight women we started together. Women will tell their stories with the toys they make.’’
Selling abroad
Stating that they want to open up to the domestic and foreign markets for the sale of the toys they make, Arzu said: ‘’Our aim and hope are great. We want to expand our field and reach more women. Thus, our dream of women's employment will come true.’’
‘Women are not paid for their labor’
Pointing out that the opening of a shop for the sale of the products they have achieved as a result of their work makes women excited, Arzu finally said: ‘’You already have difficulties if you are a woman in this country, but if you are an employee, you have more difficulties. Women are not paid for their labor. Women make toys at home in three days, but the value of hand labor is decreasing day by day. Our toys are not fabricated products. Fabricated toys are not good for children. Nylon toys are not good for children. We formed the collective so that the children would not play with them. At the same time, we established it so that women can earn a livelihood and become economically stronger. We are growing every day. This situation attracts the attention of women. We all need to grow together. The bigger we grow, the more support we need.’’