Only one arrest in racist attack in Konya

  • 13:42 24 July 2021
  • News
ANKARA - One person was arrested in the case of Hakim Dal, who was murdered as a result of a racist attack in Çarıklar village of Meram district of Konya.
More than 30 people were detained in the investigation of Hakim Dal, who was murdered in the racist attack on a Kurdish family from Diyarbakır on 21 July in Çarıklar Village of Meram district of Konya. While most of the detainees were released after their statements at the police station, nine people were taken to the Konya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to take their statements. The prosecutor's office demanded the arrest of four perpetrators and the release of five perpetrators. Of the nine perpetrators brought to the Konya 2nd Magistrates Court, only Mehmet, the perpetrator, was arrested for the crime of "murder". The remaining eight perpetrators were released on condition of judicial control.
‘We are having trouble accessing the file’
Abdurahman Karabulut, one of the lawyers of the complainant, who spoke about the incident, noted that the incident was a racist attack and underlined that the court arrested a person for showpiece. Noting that the file was hidden from them, Abdurahman said: ‘’Even though there is no confidentiality decision in the file, we are having difficulties in accessing the file. There is such a thing as ‘participating in a crime in unity of opinion and action’ in Article 37 of the Turkish Criminal Law. In murder cases, on the other hand, there is the ‘principle of domination over the act’. Seven people beat client with stones, sticks and kicks while he was on the ground, and the eighth person shot him from behind with a gun. By simply arresting the shooter, all the others who exercise dominion over the act, complicit and similarly responsible are released. More than 30 detentions were made in connection with the incident. The statements of some of them were taken in the capacity of information and they were left at the security stage. We will demand the arrest of those released on Monday.’’