430th day on Yüksel Avenue: 6 detained

  • 16:01 12 January 2018
  • News
ANKARA - Police attacked the “We want our jobs back” action ongoing for 430 days and detained six people.
As the hunger strike launched by dismissed educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça has entered in its 310th day, the “We want our jobs back” action initiated by Nuriye in front of Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Avenue has entered in its 430th day.
Public laborers, who wanted to make a statement in front of Human Rights Monument on Ankara’s Yüksel Avenue, faced police barriers again. Police closed the Konur Street with detention vehicles and shields and they didn’t allow the protesters to march to the monument. The protesters therefore wanted to make a statement in front of police shields. Police attacked the protesters while they were shouted slogans, “On the 310th day of hunger strike, Nuriye and Semih should be reinstated” and took six of them into custody.
One of the protesters Alev Şahin, criticized the silence of emergency decree commission saying, “Reinstate Nuriye and Semih immediately. At the mean time the police attacked on the protesters and teared the banner. The police, who battered the protesters detained Cemal Yıldırım, Alev Şahin, İlker Işık, Simge Aksan, Nazan Bozkurt and İbrahim İlhan.