‘Olive Branch’ cannot cover blood!’

  • 11:14 27 January 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Iron Chickpeas Women’s Association Chair Sevna Somoncuoğlu commented on the attacks on Afrin and she stated that calling the operation ‘Olive Branch’ will not cover blood to be spilled. Sevna also commented on famous people supporting the attacks, “I see them like unconscious people, who follow the ambulance to get out of traffic,” said Sevna.
The attacks on Afrin have entered eighth day while many civilians have been killed in the attacks until now. The reaction to the attacks called “Olive Branch” and launched by Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) is increasing. We spoke to Sevna Somoncuoğlu, Chair of the Iron Chickpeas Women’s Association (Demir Leblebi Kadın Derneği) that carries out projects and works for peace, and we talked about the attacks on Afrin and their demand for peace.
‘Young people will be killed’
Sevna first reacted to the name of the operation and she said, “They should give a right name if it is an operation. If you talk about clashes and army, its name is war. You cannot cover blood to be spilled when call it as operation and ‘olive branch’. The reason and name for war make no sense to me. Young people will be killed through.”
'Destruction starts with women and children'
Mentioning the dimensions of the destruction of the attacks, Sevna said, “Destruction starts with women and children but the effect of this destruction will last for decades. Everyone knows that. They have already begun to calculate to know what they will get from this war.
‘War: a tactic to increase votes by increasing nationalism’
This war is a tactic to increase votes by increasing nationalism. We face many swearwords when we say we are against war. Moreover, you are lynched when you keep silent. You are subjected to question saying ‘Why don’t you support’.”
Talking about the support of famous people on the attacks, Sevna said, “I see them like unconscious people, who follow the ambulance to get out of traffic.”
‘In which territory in the world saying ‘No to war’ is a crime?’
Sevna commented on the atmosphere in which anti-war people have been targeted and she said, “Another element of oppression of project saying everyone should stay silent and obey. How many will be taken into custody, how many will be tried just because they say ‘no to war’? In which territory in the world saying ‘No to war’ is a crime?
‘I want to know standing against which war is a crime, which one is not a crime’
I demand from the judicial system of Turkish Republic to tell me; standing against which war is a crime, which one is not a crime. As Turkish citizens, we have the right to have this information. Because we want to know which children innocent people we should defend and which ones we should silence our consciences against, we don’t want to commit a crime. As people standing for peace should stand side by side.”