Thousands of women take to the streets in Poland against abortion law

  • 13:42 24 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER- Thousands of women in Poland took to the streets to protest the proposed abortion law that would limit the abortion.
Thousands of women took to the streets in Warsaw and other Polish cities to protest the abortion law proposed by Polish government.  According to The Guardian, the people held banners that read “Free choice” and “A woman is a human being”, and chanted slogans demanding reproductive freedom.
Poland has one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe. The procedure is allowed only if the life of the foetus is at risk, there is a grave threat to the health of the mother or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest. In 2016, the women held protests throughout the country against the attempt to ban all abortions. After the protests, the government had to abandon the plan.