Female students: First listen to us before changing the education system

  • 10:42 12 June 2018
  • News
MUŞ - “We demand the education system to be changed after listening to the students,” said the female students while talking about the solution for ongoing problems in the current education system in Turkey.
Only a few days later, the elections will be held in Turkey and political parties continue to make promises for their electoral campaigns. One of their promises is the changing of the current education system. The female students talked about the education system.
Özlem Seyyar, a student of the Philosophy Department of Muş Alparslan University, drew attention to the distinction made among the students in the university. Özlem talked about the left and right groups’ problems in the university and she said the leftist students were targeted. Noting that this situation has become worse after the declaration of the state of emergency, Özlem said, “The universities are a education space based on human right for freedom of expression. Unfortunately, we don’t feel this under these circumstances. Every day we see that none of the students can express their thoughts freely. However, the universities should be a space for the students having different ideologies and thoughts and no distinction should be made among the students. As students, we demand the education system to be changed after listening to the students.”
‘They talk about the AKP during the law lesson’
Çiler Fırat, a student of the Vocational High School of the Erzincan University, said, “My department is obvious but the lessons we receive are not about my department. I am a Kurdish and Alevi and they can easily marginalize me. Particularly, during the law lessons, we should talk about the laws but they talk about the AKP during the lessons. I am very uncomfortable with this.”
‘HDP should win’
Underlining that a teacher shouldn’t behave the students differently for their ideology, Çiler said the discrimination cause pressure on the students. Çiler said, "The current education system should be changed immediately. The students should have more social activities. For this reason, I definitely want the HDP to win in the elections to be held on June 24.”
‘The education system also determines the economy’
“The education system in a country also determines the economy of the country,” said Dilşan Kaçar, another university student. Dilşan pointed out the frequent changes in the education system and she said, “You study for 12 years but your whole life and future depend on an exam lasting a hour. The exam system should be removed. As the community of Turkey, we should change the education system.”